Sparklead Glossary: A-Z Guide to Marketing and Lead Generation Terms

A - Account-Based Marketing (ABM)

A type of marketing campaign where outreach is based on a predefined list of companies. The main goal is to establish connections with these companies for future collaboration.


B - Buyer Persona 

A portrait and description of your average end customer, the one who directly buys your product or service. The description answers the questions: who they are, what position and role they have, what industry they work in, whether they are also a designer, what their needs, problems, and beliefs are, and why they are not yet your client.

C - Conversion Rate

The percentage of people who take your desired action (such as filling out a form, making a purchase, or subscribing to a newsletter) in outreach, ad campaigns, engaging with landing pages, and on doing which they moved further through the funnel. 

D - Demand Generation 

A variety of mechanics and tactics in marketing aim to generate demand (interested people) around your product or services. In fact, this is the highest stage of the funnel: when you create interest in people about you, and accordingly - create demand for yourself. This can be done through content marketing, promoting a personal brand, participating in events, creating viral activities, etc.


E - Email Marketing

A digital marketing strategy that involves sending commercial messages to a group of people via email, typically used for lead generation, nurturing, and conversion.


F - Funnel

A metaphorical representation of the buyer's journey, divided into stages such as awareness, consideration, and decision, with the goal of guiding prospects towards making a purchase.


G - Lead Generation

The process of attracting and converting potential customers into leads through various marketing strategies and tactics. The term ‘lead’ means getting any contact of a person (email, phone, LinkedIn) in order to contact him, as well as other data about him to strengthen the nurturing process (through advertising, outreach, newsletters, etc.).


H - HubSpot

A popular inbound marketing and sales platform that provides tools for marketing automation, CRM, content management, and analytics.


I - Inbound Marketing

A marketing methodology that focuses on attracting customers through relevant and helpful content, rather than interruptive advertising. With inbound, you should make it easy for those who need your service or product to find you, whereas in outbound, the task is to find people who potentially need your service and offer it directly.

L - Lead Scoring

A process helping analyze and evaluate prospects through the existing pipeline, prioritize the most promising, or group them by similar value. There could be lots of parameters, as many as the company needs to identify its ideal customer.


M - Marketing Automation

Software platforms and technologies designed to automate repetitive marketing tasks, such as data collection, message personalization and delivery, campaign results analytics and monitoring, lead nurturing, and social media posting.


N - Nurture Campaign

A series of marketing efforts designed to engage and educate leads over time, with the goal of moving them through the sales funnel towards becoming customers.


O - Outreach

The process of reaching out to prospects and engaging with them through various channels, such as email, social media, and phone calls, to generate leads and build relationships.


P - Pipeline

Already contacted list of prospects that could be potentially converted into clients. It typically includes stages such as MQL, SQL, Offer, Closed Win, Closed Lost.\

R - ROI (Return on Investment): 

A measure used to evaluate the profitability of an investment, calculated by dividing the net profit by the cost of the investment and expressed as a percentage.


S - Sales Qualified Lead (SQL): 

A prospect who has already shown an interest in proceeding with the communication (discussed potential opportunities, interested in services, products). Typically, they have already had the first intro or discovery meeting and are interested in further chat or cooperation.

T - Target Audience

The specific group of individuals or businesses that a marketing campaign is aimed at reaching, normally defined by factors such as demographics, interests, and behaviors.


U - User Experience (UX)

The entire experience that a person has when interacting with a product or service, including aspects such as usability, accessibility, and satisfaction.


V - Value Proposition

A statement that describes the unique benefits and advantages that a product or service brings to its target audience, highlighting why it is better than the competition. 


W - Webinar

A live or recorded online seminar or presentation that brings participants together to interact with the host and other attendees. It is usually used for educational purposes or lead generation.

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