Landing Page Optimization for your Outreach Success

Have you ever wondered if your outreach efforts must have a perfect synergy with a well-optimized landing page? In this article, we’ll cover the aspects of landing page optimization your landing page for maximum outreach success. From understanding user behavior, key landing page elements to implementing personalized content and effective A/B testing, you'll discover working strategies that will take your landing page to new heights.

Inbound vs Outbound: Is it a Battle?

Let's start by considering a common marketing and sales debate: outbound versus inbound. There's a growing trend suggesting that successful companies combine both in a single online marketing campaigns. To understand this, let's understand what inbound and outbound mean.

Inbound is about creating valuable content to generate demand and convert leads.

Outbound begins by building a contact base tailored to your Ideal Customer Profile (ICP). This could include Emails, LinkedIn profiles, or phone numbers. You just create content, messages, or ads and start reaching out.

Inbound uses channels like webinars and blogs, while outbound uses email, LinkedIn, ads, and cold calls. But in both cases the aim is to guide leads to your landing page.

Outreach is a rock star for B2B

At SparkLead, we've seen more B2B companies wanting outreach services. Our Marketing Lead, Oleksandra Yanchenko, notes that lots of LinkedIn users get messages from other businesses, catching their interest as potential audiences. This fits with SparkLead's strategies, using B2B outreach to identify their Ideal Customer Profile (ICP) and improve personalized communication.

Why B2B Brands Use Outreach

According to Oleksandra, saying outreach is a universal lead generation solution for all B2B brands is not true. When thinking about outreach for your B2B company, think about your deal size. Bigger deals might benefit more from outreach, letting you connect personally with decision-makers. If you have limited resources, outreach is a measurable and budget-friendly option.

For quick wins without building an extensive brand, outreach is effective for quickly checking market demand. When starting outbound outreach, we recommend to focus on understanding your user journey; it helps you know the best times for your campaigns.

Deep Dive: Your Users and Their Journey

First and foremost, try to understand your users, their needs, and the problems they are trying to solve.

What is the ideal user journey like?

Jane Musatova, our partner from Wix, is sure that every business wants a simple journey, the kind everyone hopes for.

"People used to ask me about the company I worked for, and I'd say Wix. Their response was often, 'Wix, what's Wix?' So, I'd follow up with, 'Ever thought about building a website? Why not try Wix?' Many would then say, 'Oh, the YouTube ad.”
Jane Musatova
Senior Marketing Operations Manager at Wix

We've all seen these ads before getting to know the company, haven’t we?

Some Journeys Include Specific Features

Let's say you're a small business owner and you want to have a nice design on your website, but you don't have the money to hire a professional designer. So, you're going to ask Google what different website design services you can use. And you'll end up on a landing page, which is also quite straightforward.

Some Journeys Can Be All Over the Place

Some journeys can be a bit all over the place. Like when a friend tells you about a new product, but you forget its name. Then, at a conference, you see a booth from that company your friend mentioned. Later, you might come across their ads on a platform like LinkedIn. Finally, you decide to check out their website and, hopefully, make a purchase.

However, most user journeys aren't that long. If you're using multi-touch attribution, you'll see that user journeys vary. It's important to measure both online and offline interactions, whether influencers are involved or not. Make sure you understand where the lead came from, what they did, and how they learned about your brand. This information helps you decide where to invest and understand where users are in their buying journey—whether they're at the top, just researching, in the middle, comparing options, or at the bottom, ready to buy and be sent to sales.

According to Jane Musatova, measuring offerings to user intents is a good idea. It helps users progress in their journey and become successful because our success aligns with our clients' success. Understanding what users are looking for allows us to provide that, turning them into clients who succeed in their business.

Typically user journey may look like this:

Why Is It Important to Create a Good Landing Page Instead of Adding Pages to Your Existing Website.

During the planning stage of your marketing campaign, whether it's inbound or outbound outreach, consider the Gartner Digital Market reports: Landing page design for a specific purpose tend to convert 64% better than a website.

Investing in targeted landing pages for your marketing campaign is crucial. Take Pipedrive's outbound campaign on LinkedIn ads as an example. With a focused message targeting sales teams, the call to action encourages trying the ultimate CRM tools, emphasizing organization for over 100k sales teams. This approach contrasts with the general homepage message of Pipedrive, which highlights the CRM platform for business growth. Segmentation of the audience, in this case, the sales team, allows for a more effective ad campaign, outreach message, and a specific landing page with a singular call to action.

Why invest in this approach? Many people directed from an ad campaign or outreach message to a common website might be misled.

These strategies can complement each other or work simultaneously, offering various benefits. However, outbound stands out for its effectiveness in bringing in leads promptly and producing favorable results.

Websites with diverse content, multiple offers, various product lines, and different CTAs can easily distract visitors. In contrast, a landing page keeps the focus, helping potential buyers fully understand the offer and your expectations. The golden rule for a great landing page is tailoring it to a specific audience with one offer and one call to action, ensuring the target audience remains focused.

When considering a new landing page, the first question is often, "What can I add to make it more tailored to my outreach message or ad campaign?" The answer is to make it more personalized.

Personalization Matters

So let's begin with the definition of personalization. Personalization is the action of designing or producing something to meet someone's individual requirements. When we talk about personalization in business, it could involve adding a simple salutation like "Hi, Jane" in your email or on your landing page.

Tools for Personalization

Tools like dynamic pages and elements help create personalized content and segmentation. Adobe's Raqueto offers a dynamic content feature based on segmentation, allowing you to customize content based on factors like country, language, or industry.

Various AI tools, including Wix ADI and Adobe Target AI, enable personalized website creation by asking users specific questions about their preferences and needs. ClearBit Forms and Zoominfo Form completion improve the forum experience and provide additional user information without overwhelming them with questions.

For improved data gathering, ClearBit and Zoominfo forms completion can provide details like company location, domain, and name after the user enters their email. Adobe Progressive Profiling in Marketo offers a dynamic form feature, displaying different questions each time a website visitors, enhancing interaction and personalization.

Landing Page Best Practices of Personalization

How can personalization create a smooth landing page experience? First, understand your users—their demographics, interests, stage in the buying journey, and online behavior. Consider if they check your social profile or engage with your blog. Be aware of their existing knowledge about your brand and products. With this information, optimize your landing pages to match these target audience segments.

Your Ideal Customer Profiling (ICP) may vary based on regions, business units, or the type of customers (SMBs, mid-size businesses, enterprises). Once you've outlined the personas and understand their behaviors, apply these landing page optimization practices  to each. Recognizing that users are diverse, like us, tailor the experience to convert them effectively.

The question of how many times to reach out to convert a lead into paying customers, or what is the best sales cadence, is a common concern. The number of touches can vary based on your specific ICP. Smaller companies or SMBs with faster decision-making processes may have more conversions faster, while larger organizations might take more time.

Once you have all the personas written down, and you understand the behavior of each of this personas, you can create a personalized landing page experience.
Jane Musatova
Senior Marketing Operations Manager at Wix

A/B Testing & MAB Testing

Let’s discuss A-B and M-A-B testing for your landing page. After creating specific pages for different audiences based on their interactions and online behavior, the next step is continuous optimization. Using Wix as an example, even with around 6 million daily views on their homepage, they aim to increase both the landing page visits and conversions.

Conversion, in this context, refers to users clicking the "get started" button, providing details, and initiating business with Wix. They also track how many users become premium subscribers, emphasizing the importance of user success. Testing is crucial, focusing on various page elements like background color, header, CTA, or functionality. In an example, they tested a combination of a header and subheader to ensure coherence in meaning, highlighting the significance of matching elements during testing.

Landing Page Metrics and Tools for A/B Testing

Use Google Optimize for free to test various pages. Jane also suggests Marketo's A-B testing feature. When building landing pages with Marketo, the installed cookie tracks user interactions, helping identify areas for improvement and increased conversion rates.

At SparkLead, we can provide valuable information and a detailed consultation on launching an outreach campaign.

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